What is SHSO Forever?

SHSO Forever is a fan remake of the game Super Hero Squad Online which was created by Gazillion Entertainment™, The Amazing Society™ and Marvel Studios™. This project is not affiliated with Marvel Studios™, The Amazing Society™ or Gazillion Entertainment™. None of the assets used are owned by us.

What if I forgot my password?

You can reset your password here.

Is this legit? Is this a virus?

We have hundreds of players that have yet to report any malicious intent. Your download may be flagged simply because the source is unverified, but it's completely safe, no worries. Use admin privileges to advance the download.

The launcher is taking a bit, should I...?

Hold on, Squaddie! Unless you see an error, there should be no need to stop the launcher. Please leave it be once the download process has started.

Hey! Why isn't X working?

Patience, Squaddie! The remake is still undergoing development, not everything will work just yet. Rest assured, the game will be returned to it's original state.

What can I do right now?

All zones can be explored, some missions can be played with friends, and you can collect characters in the shop!

Hey! I found a bug!

Good eye, Squaddie! However, the team likely already knows about it. Even if we didn't, there's already a lot to address that will take priority. Please hold off on bug reporting for now.

Hey, why isn't this hero in the shop?

Some characters were only available seasonally, or were retired. We bring them back sometimes through events, so keep a eye out!

The enemy fell through the floor and now I'm stuck!

You might be able to hit them with a Hero Up to progress. If that doesn't work, you'll have to reload the mission. Letting an enemy that tends to fall walk a bit more forward can avoid this from happening.

Why is X zone not in its event on Y holiday?

We currently do not have the files for most of the event zones. If you suspect you do have them, we recommend talking to one of the developers. We can't ensure we'll add them as there are more pressing matters, but we can definitely take a look!

I'm still having issues...

Join our discord to talk with us about it, hope we can help!